Friday, November 12, 2021

Sewing and Mindfulness

 Sewing is a love in my life that I have done since I was a teenager, and the activity of sewing can be used as form of relaxation and mindfulness.

Hand sewing is the act of repetitive small movements of the hands and the eyes which helps slow down the brain and the fact that you have to focus clears the brain from unproductive thoughts.

You do not need to be trained or particularly skilled in sewing, you could start with something simple like a beginners cross stitch or some simple patch-working, you ideally need to enjoy what you are doing.

Apart from being mindful, and stopping any unwanted thoughts, the feeling of achievement can boost your self-esteem when you have completed your work, you have a visible record, which if needed you can refer back to for a boost. 

Colour also has a big impact upon our well being, so if you want to lift your mood you may choose to work with yellows and pinks, or for a more calming or grounding effect chose threads or fabrics in shades of green and browns.

Charitable organisation Fine Cell Work , help prisoners in the UK, by giving them skills, confidence and a boost to their self esteem, by encouraging them to do embroidery, I believe it helps them in more ways than they perhaps realise. 

Teaching prisoners high-quality needlework boosts their self-worth, instills self-discipline, fosters hope and encourages them to lead independent, crime-free lives. (quote from Fine Cell Work)

I recall a period of time after having my daughter, I had brain fog, I had anxiety, and I felt like I had lost the ability to sew. I wasn't functioning too well, and this affected my confidence greatly, as I have always sewn In the past I have made the most exquisite and beautiful garments, and it felt like I had lost all my ability. I would spend lots of time sorting out my sewing stuff, fabrics, scraps, threads, looking for inspiration, and making myself feel like I was still 'that person'. Eventually, it was beautiful fabrics that gave me a spark, and I decided I had to take it easy, by just doing straight lines and patchwork, non judgmental, just pure mindful straight stitching, on the machine, this way, I could have a quick fix and produce things in a short time, which would give me back the feeling of achievement. It was probably the only activity I did that had my mind focused on one thing, not foggy, or overloaded with too my channels talking me to me about totally irrelevant things. So I am a big advocate of sewing for mental health, and have come up with an idea where I can help others.

A while ago I wrote a blog about patch-working, which you may like to read, as this too is a great mindful activity

1 comment:

  1. Hey Foxy, hope you're staying sane and safe in this crazy period of history. Blog looks fab - keep being you! Bev


What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a form of therapy to assist those of us with stress or anxiety disorders, to help us view life in a positive way. If you comp...